Lead Tracking and Generation within ADN Applications

Lead tracking software allows companies to keep track of how their prospects and customers are visiting various web properties. Using a variety of techniques including web browser cookies, this software allows a company to track the actions of individual users.

When Kaon ADN applications are accessed on the web, companies that use this software may want to integrate the application experience with their lead tracking system. This article discusses the two use-cases: Lead Tracking and Lead Generation.

Lead Tracking

This is the most common use case, where the client web site, email campaigns, and so on have managed to install browser cookies so the company can track how individual people are using their web properties. In this case, the Kaon App, running in a browser, is really just like any other web page. The client merely needs to provide Kaon with the script tags to insert onto the pages. These are the same script tags you would use with a web site to enable tracking. Typically this is a <script> element along with a short snippet of javascript code that identifies the specific web property.

In this case, the identity of the lead would already be known. It may have been gathered in an opt-in form, for example, or saved from the source of an email campaign.

By adding these script tags to the Kaon Application, the lead tracking system will be able to report what features and pages were viewed.

Lead Generation

This is a less common use case, because Kaon applications are primarily sales-enablement. As a result, although they can be used by customers and prospects, it is extremely unlikely that an unqualified "blue bird" lead would happen to use them. Much more common would be the case where they were directed to get the app by a sales person. In that case the lead is already known, so there is no point in generating it. Rather, the salesperson should ensure that they direct the user to the app using an email link generated from the lead tracking system, so that their use can be monitored and measured.

However, if a Kaon client does want to do lead generation from the application, it is important that we not actually embed the lead capture form within the Kaon application itself. Rather, the form should be served in a separate web browser window, provided by Kaon's client (usually, this form is actually served by the lead management company). That way, all the end-user tracking cookies can be properly installed for the lead management system to work. All Kaon needs in this case is the URL to direct the customer to when they are ready to enter their contact information. When the user clicks the button, a new browser tab will open where the prospect can enter this data. Assuming the Lead Tracking scripts have been used along the way within the Kaon application, the lead tracking system will then be able to retroactively match up this individual with their activities.

In the case of a native mobile application, clicking the contact button will open the device's web browser. Again, this is critical. If the lead capture were done inside the native application, there would be no way to subsequently track the user, because the cookie would be "locked up" inside the app.


Lead tracking is really only appropriate for web-based access to the application. This is the most likely use case for a prospect anyway, since someone is unlikely to download a native application this early in the selling process.

Native applications cannot track the behavior of individuals for a variety of reasons. The stores used to distribute applications have strict privacy policies that line up with the legal privacy protections of the countries where they do business. For the most part, surreptitiously tracking the behavior of individual is prohibited. Furthermore, even if it were allowed, the APIs provided by lead tracking systems use https (secure socket layer), and deploying applications that use this protocol requires a drawn out export certification process from the US Department of Commerce. (Using these APIs in standalone web browsers is permitted, because the browsers themselves have already been certified.)


If a Kaon customer is using lead tracking within their business, integration of that tracking should be as simple as providing Kaon with the script tag and tracking codes used on any other web site.

If a Kaon customer wants to do lead capture within the Kaon application, they should set the form up themselves, and then Kaon can include a link to open that form in a new browser tab.