Kaon LDT Supported Platforms
The Kaon LDT will run on the following browsers:
Latest Edge
Latest Chrome
Latest Firefox (and derivatives such as Wolvic, Vive Browser, and Pico Browser)
Latest Safari
The browser must be running on a device with a 3D graphics system that the browser supports. Some older or low-end graphics cards or chips may be supported by some browsers and not by others.
Generally speaking, the supported operating systems are:
Windows 10 or later
MacOS 13 or later
Many linux distributions
Chrome O/S
iOS 16 or later
All-in-one VR Headsets (Meta Oculus Quest 2 or Pro, HTC Vive Focus 3 Pro, ByteDance Pico Neo 3 Pro)
However, operating system support entirely depends on the browser used, and what that browser officially supports.
Note that although Android is supported for most Kaon application, the LDT requires a tablet-size interface, and there are no Android tablets we have found that meet the minimum requirements.
On mobile, we do not support running in the browser because the browser artificially limits access to memory, making the maximum lab size too small. Therefore on mobile, the LDT must be accessed from a native app.
In addition to browser deployment, the Kaon LDT can be used as a native application (for offline use) for:
iPad Air 3 or later
PC running Windows 10 or later
Mac running MacOS 13 or later
Kaon LDT can also be used in supported VR headsets in two ways:
Standalone: Simply visit the Kaon Share Card using a supported browser in the headset, and choose "View Online/Web"
Together with an iPad: Kaon must side-load a helper application on the headset which allows it to communicate with an iPad via Bluetooth. Lab Planning is done on the iPad, and the VR headset renders that scene in immersive VR.
Kaon recommends using the "Quest" browser in the Meta Quest 2, 3 or Pro. This headset/browser combination provides the most reliability and performance. While other browsers and headsets supporting WebXR standards should work, we have found them to perform poorly and to be rather unstable.
On the desktop, up-to-date 3D drivers are required, and some very low-end 3D chips may not be supported. Sometimes browsers will "blacklist" 3D chips (GPUs) because of security or performance issues, and in these cases, the Kaon LDT will not work on those browser/GPU combinations.
When rolling out Kaon LDT to a field sales force, be aware of these general guidelines.
Recommended: Will run the Kaon LDT application well
Minimum: Kaon LDT will work, but refresh rates (FPS) may be sluggish
When running on a "Minimum" system, we recommend that the Kaon LDT be the only program running
Extremely complex labs with a lot of equipment and multiple rooms may exceed the capabilities of a minimum system
It can be extremely difficult to get a touch screen working with a laptop computer, so we recommend using a desktop computer when working with touch screens
Recommended: i5 7th generation or later
Minimum: i3 or equivalent
Recommended: Any discrete NVIDIA or AMD GPU
Minimum: Intel HD Graphics 615
Recommended: 8GB
Minimum: 4GB
Recommended: 20GB free
Minimum: 10GB free
Recommended: Windows 11 or MacOS 14
Minimum: Windows 10 or MacOS 12
Recommended: 1080p
Minimum: 720p
Recommended: Wired internet recommended at install time, not required in normal operation
Minimum: WiFi internet access at install time, not required in normal operation
Recommended/Minimum: All standard devices supported